Demonstration versions of works – note, many require the Adobe Flash Player to run. That was the best way to make animation 10 years ago … 😉
Dance of Perfect Randomness, 2009 Digital work, executable file, Geiger counter, Vaseline glass source, analog-digital converter, computer Non-repeating forms in color and light responding to radioactive decay interpreted by the software. The Dance of Perfect Randomness uses a news photo of Iranian artists performing at the celebration of the enrichment of uranium in 2007 as its base. This image of beatific admiration for the definitive symbol of 20th and 21st century power, technology and terror reminds me of a similar cultural response in post-WWII America. The piece uses the photo’s color and imagery but frees the doves to respond to the signals sent by Geiger counter, creating a series of endless unique images that evokes religious painting. For every tick, which signals a particle of radioactive decay, a bird is released.
Barny’s Next Step After Canvas Digital work, executable file, Geiger counter, Vaseline glass source, analog-digital converter, computer Non-repeating forms in color and light responding to radioactive decay interpreted by the software. Based directly on Barnett Newman’s “Vir Heroicus Sublimis” (1950-51), Barney’s Next Step Without Canvas dynamically forms digital versions of the iconic abstract painting. Barnett Newman’s concern with the sublimity of time and the effect of the red as it washes over the observer is re-literalized while introducing a new version of the sublime — the absolute and ineluctable randomness produced by the decay of uranium.
Radioactive Decay & Randomness
CertaintyShelter from Luke Murphy on Vimeo.
Demonstration versions of works – note, many require the Adobe Flash Player to run. That was the best way to make animation 10 years ago … 😉
Dance of Perfect Randomness, 2009
Digital work, executable file, Geiger counter, Vaseline glass source, analog-digital converter, computer Non-repeating forms in color and light responding to radioactive decay interpreted by the software. The Dance of Perfect Randomness uses a news photo of Iranian artists performing at the celebration of the enrichment of uranium in 2007 as its base. This image of beatific admiration for the definitive symbol of 20th and 21st century power, technology and terror reminds me of a similar cultural response in post-WWII America. The piece uses the photo’s color and imagery but frees the doves to respond to the signals sent by Geiger counter, creating a series of endless unique images that evokes religious painting. For every tick, which signals a particle of radioactive decay, a bird is released.
Digital work, executable file, Geiger counter, Vaseline glass source, analog-digital converter, computer Non-repeating forms in color and light responding to radioactive decay interpreted by the software. Based directly on Barnett Newman’s “Vir Heroicus Sublimis” (1950-51), Barney’s Next Step Without Canvas dynamically forms digital versions of the iconic abstract painting. Barnett Newman’s concern with the sublimity of time and the effect of the red as it washes over the observer is re-literalized while introducing a new version of the sublime — the absolute and ineluctable randomness produced by the decay of uranium.

Barny’s Next Step After Canvas
Dance of Perfect Randomness – Oculus
Drift, 2009
Demon Chaser, 2007
Demon Collisions, 2007
Documentation and explanation